Expropriation is the action by the government (municipal, provincial or federal) of taking property from its owner for public use or benefit.
Properties may be expropriated in order to build highways, railroads, airports, or other infrastructure projects.
Local governments must abide by the Expropriation Act, which sets out the process and rules for determining the appropriate compensation payable by the local government to the landowner.
If you are a landowner who has received notification of an impending expropriation, we can help you.
We understand the process and have relationships with the necessary consultants to ensure your rights are protected and that you receive the best compensation you are entitled to.
Your legal costs can often be recovered from the expropriating authority.
We have recovered compensation for:
- Homeowners and businesses affected by roadway expansion;
- Homeowners and businesses affected by rapid transit line expansion;
- Businesses affected by pipeline / infrastructure expansion.
We can assist with:
- Negotiation of the agreement;
- Determination of the costs including value of the land being expropriated and reduction in value of land left behind;
- Fair and reasonable settlement;
- Costs and Damages; and
- If necessary, mediation and litigation.
If you require assistance with an expropriation, please contact Brad Martyniuk of our real estate team: